British Passport Applications
Eligibility for a British Passport:
Information for British overseas territories citizens
British Passport Applications: First Adult Passport
Applying while overseas:
A standard passport costs £86 plus a £19.86 courier fee.
Applying while in the UK:
If you’re in the UK, you can either:
- Apply online – it costs £75.50 - Apply with a paper form – it costs £85
Apply with a paper form:
1. What You Need
To apply with a paper form you’ll need:
- a filled-in application form from a local UK Post Office
- 2 identical printed passport photos
- someone who can confirm your identity (a ‘countersignatory’)
- supporting documents
It is taking longer than usual to process applications because of coronavirus (COVID-19). Do not apply unless you’re travelling before September 2020 or you need a passport urgently for compassionate reasons.
It costs £85. The booklet that comes with the form explains how to pay.
2. Fill in your application form
Fill in your application form
You can get a paper application form from either:
- the Passport Adviceline
- a Post Office that offers the Passport Check and Send service
Fill in sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9. Your countersignatory will need to fill in section 10.
Read the booklet that comes with the form if you need help with your application.
3. Get a countersignatory
You need to get someone else to confirm your identity (a ‘countersignatory’). They’ll need to:
- fill in section 10 of your form
- sign and date one of your photos
Find out who can be a countersignatory and what they need to do.
4. Gather your documents and send your application
You need to send all of the following:
To send in your form, documents and photos, you can either:
After you apply, you may be asked to attend an interview.